
…girl catches a fly on takeoff elegant gesture, as if nothing had happened discharges it into the window…


The problem of creating aerodynamic forces in insect flight, waving was and remains a key issue in the study of insect flight. Mysteriousness of these forces — the reason for the emergence of new and new hypotheses about how forces are born in the interaction of a flapping wing with the air flow. In place of the most common method of describing the work of a flapping wing — quasi-stationary when the wing is likened to an insect wing aircraft — comes a new hypothesis, based on the study of the structure of the vortex wake behind a flying insect

A. K. Brodsky «Mechanics of flight of insects and the evolution of the wing apparatus»

Форма вихревого следа за летящим насекомым:
a – side view; б – top view.
The arrows indicate the direction of air flow

All that is natural, it seems straightforward, as the movement of good dancers — it seems that just as easily, you can repeat these movements. So it was with the third important character in movie Delta Bank «Fast credits» — a fly. The video has not a close-up flies. The fact that this fly, we understand the characteristic of its flight trajectory. With the same success this dark point out of focused could be a bee, bumble bees overweight or terrible hornet, if not the correct animation of the flight.

And here we have making of this spot: