LG Home Theatre

Is it possible to light up dimmed candles and blow out lightened one?

From this question started our talk on production of visual effects for the tv commercial «LG Home Theater». After several tests we understood that the fire could be «trained». That was technical question and easy to solve. It was harder to make candles dance unusually and realistic.

Post-production for the commercial directed by Joahim Berc was prepared in our studio during three days from early morning till late night. We did small fragments, showed them, discussed and argued. Director wanted to embody concept of being 3 persons in the clip, which could «live» altogether in a harmony with music and dancers.

Some fragments were done quickly, though other — not. We worked on and on until fragments became non-deliberate, but touchable, with sustained subject and non-dissipative attention from the actors. There was a risk to make it like cartoon, though thanks to professionalism and acting genius of Joahim Berc (who emotionally drew fire’s character) it was possible to add important computer graphics details which did not look like computer graphics at all. There were used several types of flame, which director jokingly called «Casper», «Beckham effect» and «Snake». Practically in every shot these effects are combined.

And here we have making of this spot: