Sadochok Factory
It always seemed that hedgehogs are kind and cute little animals, which help children, bear fruits and gladly play in the commercials. But on the set turned out that this is not true. A hedgehog can get tired of shooting. Can begin to do something his own, and not that what the director wants. And make it right to play in the commercial can only trainer.
Let’s take a closer look with these enigmatic animals.
Eared hedgehog — is found in dry, semi-deserts and deserts. The basis of the diet are insects, especially beetles and ants. In rare cases, in hedgehogs’ stomach found the remains of the toads, lizards, and feathers of small birds. Sometimes eat vegetable food – ephedra berries, seeds and fruits. Grows to 30 cm and live up to 3-6 years.
Shooting street shots were very quiet, hedgehog and hedgehog-doubler periodically changed in the frame, and while one was resting, the other worked on the stage. The weather was perfect, sun was shining and there was no surprises. The next day we waited for the pavilion, where a lot could happen, because the plant scenery was quite difficult construction and there were doubts that all will work and look right. And the question arises, how to behave hedgehogs on the second day of shooting.
But the factory was built so well that all the mechanisms work, the apples went on conveyer, the robot spun, juices went, in general, all functioned almost perfectly. And hedgehogs, slept, with new forces have rushed to show their acting skills.
We had only to add depth in frames (replacing the green background), remove unnecessary design elements and embellish some of the shots.
Thus, in the first shot, we put flowers near a fence and behind it – that the hedgehog was a pleasure to work, and helped them to hang a sign, because they underachieve.